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Female x Finance

About Female x Finance

Headoffice in Amsterdam10+ employees1 office

Female x Finance is the first and fastest-growing career platform that connects female talent with the financial sector. With a growing community of over 7500 women, and over 70 partners in Private Equity, Venture Capital, Corporate Finance and Quantitative Finance, FxF’s efforts continue to help make gender diversity in the finance sector the norm, not just a trend. Be part of the change. Pioneer with us.

Launched in 2021 as a response to female underrepresentation in Finance, the organization’s approach is twofold: they help talented women break into the sector through training and extensive career guidance, and they help businesses attract, hire, and retain next-gen female talent.

We help you break into finance and stay in finance.

We believe everybody deserves to go after the career they desire. That’s why we help talented women break into the financial sector, and reach their full potential. Are you ready to land your dream job?

Tuesday 04 March

Hosted by Female x Finance

Speakers Event #1 - Female x Finance

Speaker EventEnglish spokenFirst come, first serveUvA Room 3-4
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