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Vodafone Ziggo

About Vodafone Ziggo

Headoffice in Utrecht6800+ employees9 offices

Enjoyment and progress with every connection.

VodafoneZiggo makes valuable connections, between people and for people. We are the

driving force of the Dutch digitization, but also the builder of the network of the future. We

use the power of technology to make society stronger.

The world is getting ever more connected.

Connectivity and communication have become the pillars of our society and economy. But

connectivity is so much more than smart connections between networks or the technique we

use to make contact. In the end, life is all about feeling connected. With each other, with the

things that matter so people, companies and society can progress.

VodafoneZiggo is a Dutch company offering fixed, mobile and integrated communication and

entertainment services to consumers and businesses. VodafoneZiggo is a joint venture of

Liberty Global, the biggest international TV and broadband internet company, and Vodafone

Group, one of the world’s biggest telecommunication companies.

Discover traineeship

During the VodafoneZiggo Discover traineeship, you will work for two strong commercial

brands while discovering your drivers and strengths. In this intensive program you will be

working on challenging projects within your field of expertise. It is a given that you will

experience our business from a broad perspective. You can count on plenty of support,

guidance and personal development throughout the traineeship. We will give you the tools

and space to grow in your field of expertise.

Enjoy the Challenge of our Discover traineeship:

Discover your professional scope without a fixed role

Work on three challenging projects

19 months of personal development

Excellent one-on-one supervision

Read the stories of our Discover trainees and find more information on

Discover Traineeship - Werken bij VodafoneZiggo

We are looking forward to see you during the Amsterdam Career days and tell you more

about what working at VodafoneZiggo entails!

Tuesday 04 March

Hosted by Vodafone Ziggo

Lunch Vodafone Ziggo

LunchEnglish spokenSelectionExternal B
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Hosted by Vodafone Ziggo

Presentation Vodafone Ziggo

PresentationEnglish spokenFirst come, first serveUvA 3-4 Room
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